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Athelas logo on a cardiologist's website in Sugar Land, TX

Introducing Remote Health Monitoring through Athelas!

At Yassir Sonbol, we care about your overall health. We are excited to announce we are partnering with a company called Athelas to provide you with cutting edge care. The Athelas program will provide you with tools to monitor your vitals at home (ex. blood pressure, glucose, weight), which will be reported back to your provider and used to ensure that your course of treatment is on track, and not causing any unforeseen side effects.

Athelas will ship you personal connected health devices and train you on how to use them. Device(s) may include: blood pressure cuff, weight scale, glucose monitor or a combination of all three, as indicated by our practice. Athelas will send you a text message monthly, reminding you to test and all results will be securely sent to your provider for review. This allows us to keep an eye on your physical health, even while remote. These services are covered by insurance, and Athelas performs an eligibility check prior to enrolling.

To get started, enroll directly by following the link here: You’ll be asked to confirm your information as well as your shipping address. This form is in compliance with HIPAA, and your data will be protected.

Blood pressure cuffs used by a cardiology specialist in Sugar Land, TX Blood Pressure Cuff in Sugar Land, TX

Glucose monitor, crucial for managing heart disease in Sugar Land, TX Weight scale, a tool for monitoring weight in heart disease treatment in Sugar Land, TX

We’re excited to provide you the very best care available with cutting edge tools. If you have any questions about the program, you can email or call (833) 524 -1318!

Have a great day!


Yassir Sonbol