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If you are suffering from shortness of breath, it can be alarming. In fact, shortness of breath is a major reason that people go to the emergency room. It’s a very uncomfortable sensation, not being able to take in enough air, especially because sometimes this out-of-breath feeling can come on quite suddenly. Alternately, shortness of breath can develop slowly, over weeks to months. What causes shortness of breath? More to the point, what can be done to treat it?

Person struggling with shortness of breath, a symptom of heart disease in Sugar Land, TX

What Is Shortness of Breath?

It is the feeling that you cannot take in enough air. Sometimes, there’s an obvious cause of breathing problems, like if you’ve been running, climbing stairs, or otherwise exerting yourself. If there is no clear reason for your breathing to become labored, though, your doctor will want to examine you and determine the cause of your dyspnea. What is dyspnea? It is just the medical term for shortness of breath.

There Are Many Different Causes of Sudden Shortness Of Breath.

Strenuous exercise, major swings in temperature, poor air quality, high altitude, and obesity are some of the causes that can affect even healthy people. However, if you notice that your breathing has changed suddenly and you do not know why, or your breathing seems to be getting worse over time, you may have a serious health condition. Sudden shortness of breath can be caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, heart attack, low blood pressure, an asthma flare-up, pneumonia, or a pulmonary embolism. It can also be the result of a panic attack or emotional distress. If you experience shortness of breath for four weeks or longer, it may be considered chronic and could be caused by a chronic lung disease like COPD, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, or pulmonary hypertension. Heart disease and congestive heart failure can cause chronic shortness of breath, and so can obesity.

Here Are Some Key Facts About Shortness Of Breath.

  • Heart and lung issues are the cause of most shortness of breath.
  • Shortness of breath is very common, and can be the result of a serious disease, but can also just mean you’re out of shape.
  • Breathing that becomes labored for no obvious reason could be a medical emergency.
  • Shortness of breath accompanied by chest pain, fainting, or nausea requires immediate medical attention.
  • Your overall health, medical history, and genetics can all be factors in shortness of breath.

Understanding The Physiology Of Shortness Of Breath Can Help You Find The Cause.

When you are breathing normally, you typically have no awareness of your breathing. That’s because there is a balance between your ability to breathe and the demand for air. If there is an imbalance between the brain’s demand for breath and the body’s ability to breathe, you will experience shortness of breath. Breathlessness with chest pain or pressure, fainting, or nausea could be an indication of a serious condition and warrants medical attention.

Treating Shortness of Breath Depends on The Cause Of The Problem.

Shortness of breath causes like obesity or overall poor health can often be managed through lifestyle changes like improving your diet and exercising regularly. Smoking and inhaling second-hand smoke can aggravate shortness of breath and should be avoided, as should exposure to pollutants and known allergy triggers. If a lung condition is a cause, it may be necessary to consult with a pulmonologist or a lung specialist. If the problem is a heart condition like a heart attack, heart failure, arrhythmia (heart rhythm disorder), or increased fluid around the heart, a cardiologist can develop a treatment plan to address your condition and alleviate your symptoms. Especially if your shortness of breath is accompanied by palpitations and dizziness, it can indicate a heart problem, and this should prompt you to contact a cardiologist.

Why Choose Complete Cardiology Care?

If you are suffering from shortness of breath, look to Complete Cardiology Care to help determine the cause and provide effective treatment. In our Sugar Land, Texas office, you will find an experienced cardiologist and nurse practitioner dedicated to helping patients find solutions to any cardiac issues they may be facing. Our practice lives up to its name by offering a complete list of cardiology services, delivered by our team of medical professionals whose careers are focused on helping people improve their heart health. Using advanced technology and state-of-the-art equipment, we offer comprehensive healthcare for conditions including heart disease, coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, varicose veins, heart rhythm disorders, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. When you need a cardiologist who will provide you with personalized treatment and advanced cardiac care, trust Dr. Sonbol and the experienced, highly trained team at Complete Cardiology Care. Call us at 281-617-2483 or schedule an appointment through our website.